
Me Made May Weekly Recap

Sunday, May 04, 2014

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a nice, relaxing weekend. This year I'm participating in Me Made May. If you don't know what it is, it's basically a challenge to wear as many handmade garments you can through the duration of May. These are the me-made garments I wore this week and how I styled them.

Outfit 1: 
High-waisted trousers using this Burdastyle pattern
Zara cropped sweater
Handmade necklace 
Converse All Star

Outfit 2: 
Coco top (Tilly and the Buttons patterns)
Zara jeans
Converse All Star

Outfit 3:
Hemlock tee (Grainline studio patterns)
Pyjama bottoms 

Are you participating in Me Made May '14? 

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