Fall sewing plans

Saturday, September 27, 2014

It's all about fall sewing plans around here lately! I'm already in the process of planning and sewing my fall wardrobe. The things that I'm sewing are not necessarily fall garments, but garments I believe will get a lot of wear all year around. With the new serger in my hands, I'm all about proper sewing and I take the needed time to finish my garments properly and check that everything looks polished and professional. 

As the season changes, I'm thinking a lot about my wardrobe, style and choices. I didn't had a chance to follow The Wardrobe Architect by Coletterie last spring, but I'm reading all about it now. I'll share my results and progress with you, as well as my sewing adventures.

How about you? Any sewing plans for this fall? Does the change of season, makes you evaluate things as well? 

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  1. The Wardrobe Architect is great. You'll get so much out of it.

    As for me, I'm making a damn coat. That's for sure!
