Banksia top
12 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 5 comment
So I finally finished my Banksia top and I'm very satisfied with the final result.When started planning this project I had a very specific idea in my mind.I wanted...
Black Maxi Jersey Skirt
12 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 4 comment
Tank top/boots/necklace: H&M, Skirt: Self-Made, Jacket: Zara Don't you just love it when a garment you have made is actually one of the most worn pieces in your wardrobe?That's my case with this...
Emerald trousers
12 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 6 comment
Top: Bershka, Trousers: Self-made, Belt:Vintage, Shoes: Unknown This is the first pair of trousers I made using the DIY Couture book.I am so happy with how they turned out!I still can't believe I didn't use...
Wardrobe cravings
12 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 2 comment
Oversized waistcoat, Zara|Asymmetric Jacket, Blanco|Leopard print slippers, Blanco City messenger bag, Zara | Boots, H&M | Leopard and stud belt, Zara These are a few of my current wardrobe cravings.Obsessed with leopard right now! ...
DIY Couture
12 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 6 comment
A while ago I came into a conclusion.I really hate commercial sewing patterns.The fit is never right, the sizes are totally off today's women's bodies and the instructions are never clear.Don't get me...