Currently thinking:Total Black
12 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
photos: Pinterest I just love a total black outfit!So simple and yet so stylish!It never fails to give attitude to any outfit! ...
12 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
Hello everyone!I hope you all are well and enjoying the holidays with your loved ones!I am taking the time off to relax and spend some really needed time with family and friends!This is...
Merry Christmas
12 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 1 comment
Merry Christmas everyone!This year time flew by really fast!I literary run until the last minute to finish and wrap all my Christmas gifts.This Christmas my gifts were mostly handmade and among others I made...
Inspiration:Tulle skirt
12 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
It seems that tulle is everywhere this time of year and why not,since it makes the perfect holiday outfit!I went fabric shopping yesterday and I couldn't resist buying some tulle myself!I'm thinking of...
Currently thinking: Oversized sweaters
12 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 4 comment
One of my favorite winter garments is the oversized sweater.Paired with skinny jeans,leggings or layered under a skirt or a dress,it just makes the perfect winter outfit! What are you currently thinking? ...
Christmas Outfits
12 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 2 comment
Unfortunately I failed to follow the 12 days of Christmas Cheer mostly because of the crazy amount of work I had for uni!I am though trying really hard to finish all my Christmas...
Liebster Award
12 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 3 comment
The Liebster Award is given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It is to show new bloggers that they are appreciated, and to help spread the...
Christmas Cheer
12 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
Happy December everyone(and let's pretend this is not a belated post!).December is one of my favorite months of the year,mainly because it includes Christmas,which I really love!From the decorations,to the songs and the...
Dreaming a cozy blanket
12 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 1 comment
Hi everyone!How was your week?Mine was a busy one with lots of homework and late nights,hence the lack of posts these days!Today was the final presentation for one of the projects I have,so...