
Albion lined jacket

11 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 3 comment
Coat:made by me/Blouse:Oysho/Jeans:H&m/Boots:UGG With three outwear garments completed in 2013, I can say with confidence that last year, was the year I overcame my outwear sewing fear! You've already seen my first Albion...

Week in photos

11 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 1 comment
                                      Top to bottom,left to right:                  ...

Leggings?Me never!

11 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 2 comment
Hello everyone!Due to some travelling, uni exams and sad things in life, things have been quite slow around here these past couple weeks. Although the hectic program, I managed to include some sewing...