
2015 sewing recap

9 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
Who can believe it guys? 2015 is over! It was for sure a full year with its ups and downs. Blogging wise, it wasn't my best year, since there were some big breaks...

Merry Christmas

9 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
Merry Christmas guys! I hope wherever you are, you're happy and surrounded by loved ones!  instagram ...

Zircon sweater // Paprika patterns

9 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
Hello lovely readers! With the cold weather outside, nothing is better than a comfy, cozy sweater right? I love sweaters! I love sweatshirts, knit sweaters, monochromatic ones, printed ones, basic ones! But things...

Pattern testing: Velo Culottes

9 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
Hello guys! I'm taking this blogging thing more seriously lately and I'm quite happy about that! So Christmas is approaching really quickly and I've yet to begin my presents! The time race is...

Knitting files: Didi Cat&Cat sweater

9 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
I used to have an on-again-off-again relationship with knitting! I learned to knit almost 5 years ago, but I never dived into it seriously. Maybe it was the cheap acrylic yarns I used...

The Culottes Files: Version 1 + Astoria sweater

9 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
culottes: self-made/ sweater: self-made/ shoes: Adidas Stan Smith Hello lovely readers(if there's anyone actually left!) and happy new month! So as always, long time no see! But with the arrival of the new...

Fresh start

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
image Hello guys! Hope everyone is well and excited for the new season ahead! Fall is approaching here and I couldn't be happier about it! I knew I wouldn't find peace until I...

McCall 6965 + Nettie

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 1 comment
Hello guys! Long time, no see, right? But, you know...life happens! So I'm back and I can't wait for fall! Fall weather, fall clothes, fall sewing! But, first, it's only right to share...

McCall 6965 + Plantain

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 3 comment
Hello everyone! Temperatures are officially high here in sunny Greece and it's all about the summer outfits! I had my eye on McCall 6965 for quite some time now, especially after seeing this...

Black Sallie Jumpsuit

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 3 comment
Oh guys! What can I say about this pattern? Everything you ever wanted from a garment it's combined in this pattern! It's chic, it's comfortable, it's flattering, it's just THE ULTIMATE summer garment!...

What did Me-Made-May '15 teached me!

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 1 comment
Hello everyone! So May is over and with it goes this year's Me-Made-May. As you may have noticed there was no Week 3 and 4 recap here on the blog. That's because I...

Pattern review: Onyx shirt

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 4 comment
Hello guys! You now when sometimes you want a quick and easy sewing project to give you that feeling of instant gratification? That feeling of accomplishment, something that you can sew in one...

Me-Made-May '15 Weekly Recap

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
photos from my Instagram Hello everybody! Week 2 of Me-Made-May '15 is over! How time flies! So another recap of my weekly outfits is due:  OUTFIT 1: Self-drafted pencil skirt OUTFIT 2: Pin...

Pattern Testing: Pin Pegs Mini Skirt

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 5 comment
Hello everyone! I'm here to share an awesome project with you! A few weeks ago, Annie from Nine Stitches  contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in testing her first pattern, after seeing...

Me-Made-May '15 Weekly Recap

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 3 comment
Hello everyone! The first week of Me-Made-May '15 is officially over! I pledged to wear at least 3 me-made garments every week and this week I managed to wear 4. I'm really happy...

Me Made May '15

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
Happy May everybody! So spring is officially here and with it comes the greatest sewing challenge, Me Made May. Me Made May is a challenge designed to encourage people who sew/ knit/ crochet/...

Skirt files: The Straight Skirt

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 6 comment
Hello everyone! Long time no see! So spring is officially here! Temperatures are rising and spring clothes are coming to full rotation. As I mentioned in my previous post, I started taking pattern...

Wardrobe Architect 2015 - March

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 2 comment
Hello guys! Sorry for the absence this past last month. The main reason i didn't blog anything over the course of March here is because I lost a key part from my tripod,...

Wardrobe Project 2015 - February

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 1 comment
So this post is a little belated, but nonetheless I wanted to share with you my progress for last month's Wardrobe Architect. To be honest, I didn't do much this month. I went...