
My solution to late night snacking

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 2 comment
Hello again! Second post of the year, but actually I'm cheating. This skirt was made in 2014, but I didn't get around to photographing it until now. Well, on way or another, I'm...

Black Linden Sweatshirt

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 10 comment
Hi guys! First make of 2015 is here and its lovely! This is the Linden sweatshirt pattern from Grainline studio. Another great make from Jen!  I chose View A for a classic sweatshirt...

Week in recap

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
1.Enjoying some Indian food/ 2. Soup making/ 3. Late night snack/ 4.Cozy nights/ 5. More soups/ 6.Thank you for 8 wonderful years buddy This week had its ups and downs for sure. It...

Fresh start and new perspective

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 2 comment
image Hello guys and happy new year! I hope you had a lovely holiday season with your loved ones and the new year finds you well and refreshed. So is that time of...