
Pattern review: Onyx shirt

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 4 comment
Hello guys! You now when sometimes you want a quick and easy sewing project to give you that feeling of instant gratification? That feeling of accomplishment, something that you can sew in one...

Me-Made-May '15 Weekly Recap

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
photos from my Instagram Hello everybody! Week 2 of Me-Made-May '15 is over! How time flies! So another recap of my weekly outfits is due:  OUTFIT 1: Self-drafted pencil skirt OUTFIT 2: Pin...

Pattern Testing: Pin Pegs Mini Skirt

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 5 comment
Hello everyone! I'm here to share an awesome project with you! A few weeks ago, Annie from Nine Stitches  contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in testing her first pattern, after seeing...

Me-Made-May '15 Weekly Recap

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 3 comment
Hello everyone! The first week of Me-Made-May '15 is officially over! I pledged to wear at least 3 me-made garments every week and this week I managed to wear 4. I'm really happy...

Me Made May '15

10 years ago by The Wardrobe Project 0 comment
Happy May everybody! So spring is officially here and with it comes the greatest sewing challenge, Me Made May. Me Made May is a challenge designed to encourage people who sew/ knit/ crochet/...