
Featured on Sky Turtle

Friday, November 16, 2012

Ina,from Sky Turtle blog just made my day by featuring me in her "8 Amazing Sewing Blogs You Should Read" post.I can't even describe how excited and honored I am to be included in a post with all these awesome sewing bloggers!Ina's blog is one of my favorite sewing blogs out there and it is such an inspiration for me!She also runs a sewing course for sewing and pattern making in her blog which is actually how I discovered it!

One of my favorite things is discovering new sewing blogs and getting inspired by what other people make!I was so excited to meet and learn more about all these creative sewing bloggers!You should definitely check Ina's post here!

Thanks so much Ina for your kind words!

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  1. Replies
    1. Hi!That's so exciting!Thank you so much for following!Your blog is really amazing!

  2. I can't believe I missed this post! Thank you so much! :D:D:D
