
Cooper backpack #2

Saturday, December 14, 2013

This is the second backpack I made using Colette's Cooper pattern. This time I went with two pleather fabrics, on in a beautiful burgundy and on in a matte black. It was my first time sewing pleather, and although I had some issues during the sewing, the result is really satisfying. Again I made my own bag straps out of the black pleather. I'm not really happy with the end result because the pleather was so difficult to sew, but still I prefer them better than the suggested cotton webbing. I didn't use any jiffy rivets , because I couldn't really find any at the local market.
You can see my first make and more details about this pattern here
I will add my two makes in Coletterie's sew along contest under the favorite backpack category. Last day to enter the contest is tomorrow.
So, do you like it?

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