
Week in photos

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Hello everyone!I'm terribly sorry for the radio silence around here this last month. I've been really busy with work and things. I haven't actually touched my sewing machine for over a month, but I hope this will change soon. I have a couple of makes I want to share with you, but for now this is what went by last week. It's been all about graduation, taking my interior design degree and Christmas coming. 

photos from my Instagram
                                      Top to bottom,left to right:
                                      1. Graduation happened this week! I took my interior design degree!
                                      2.Coffee time at my day off
                                      3.Christmas decorations at my house
                                      4.Decorations in all the rooms
                                      5.Good friends bake their friends Christmas cookies
                                      6.Christmas decorations everywhere!

Hope you all have a lovely week.

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