
Me Made May '16 Recap

Friday, June 03, 2016

Hello lovely people and happy new month! So May is over, and I'm here for my final Me Made May'16 recap. This year I pledged to wear as many handmade garments as possible. I didn't set a specific number of garments or days. Since I decluttered my wardrobe in late March my handmade wardrobe is very limited and since I didn't sew many new garments the last couple of months I thought I'd work with what I had. Lately I focus more on quality and sewing things that I really love and enjoy wearing, rather than quantity. So with that said, this May I wore 16 me-made items:

Tops: 10
Outerwear: 3
Bottoms: 2

Out of these, 8 were from indie sewing patterns, 1 was from a knitting pattern and 3 were self drafted. If you're interested, these are the patterns:
Mona jacket by WearLemonade
Victoria Blazer by ByHandLondon
Opal Cardigan by Paprika Patterns
Plantain Tee by Deer&Doe
Senna Skirt by Lindsay Woodward
Sarah Shirt by ByHandLondon

To be honest, looking back to this month, I realise that my wardrobe is really boring. Yes, it is practical and yes, it does suit my day-to-day life, but it wouldn't hurt to have a little more umph! I definitely have to sew more things for my wardrobe, but to be fair that is something I already knew before participating. Also, I seriously need to add more bottoms, as well as more dresses (greek summer heat is sooo close!).

It was really fun participating for the 3rd time and seeing what everyone else was wearing! I sure have a lot of sewing to do, and I can't wait! So how about you? Did you participate in MMM? Did you learn anything new about your wardrobe this time around? 

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