(image) Hello world! This little space has been neglected for so long, but lately I've be feeling an itch to blog again. Let's see if I keep up with it this time around!...
Is anybody still here? If so, hello guys! It's been over a year since I posted anything in this space, but lately I started missing blogging! To be honest with you, 2018 was...
Hello, hello, hello!! Happy New Year everybody! I hope you had a wonderful time over the holidays and you are ready to conquer 2018 with lots of creativity. This year I struggled a...
image Hello everyone! Today I'm here to share some thoughts on the Slow Fashion October. If you don't have any idea what that is, you can read more about it over on Karen's...
image Hello and happy new month lovely people out there! Autumn is officially here and I couldn't be happier! Dressing in layers, wearing my handmade knitted garments, hot coffees and watching a movie...
Hello lovely people! I hope you all had a good weekend. I spent mine chilling, cooking, watching movies and knitting! A perfect one, if you ask me! Some days ago I mentioned in...