
Monday, February 04, 2019

Is anybody still here? If so, hello guys! It's been over a year since I posted anything in this space, but lately I started missing blogging! To be honest with you, 2018 was a really strange year, filled with lots of ups and downs, but mostly downs, too many hours of work and overall a quite exhausting year. It was also a year that went by really quickly, as if I was not really paying attention to the days and just letting them slip away with the blink of an eye. So I decided that 2019 was not going to have the same fate with the past year. This year I want to be more mindful and to try living in the present moment more.

January for me was a month of self care and awareness. I took time to make a routine for myself, which I try to follow most days, I really paid attention to my fitness and eating habits and I tried to live with more awareness in my everyday life. I'm a type of person who likes organizing and taking the time this month to do all these things, I think will really help to set the tone for the rest of the year. But only if I'm mindful about them(little note to my future self).

Up until now, you will be wondering all of that is great, but we are not here for your personal diary, we are mostly here for the makes. The previous year really fatigued me to a point that I lost any desire for anything remotely creative. But lately I'm itching to get back at it. My list of to-sew is growing bigger everyday and thanks to the amazingness that is the Instagram sewing community I'm not seeing it getting any smaller soon.

So, consider this post my welcome back to the blogsphere and I hope we see each other here soon.

I'm wondering, do you still enjoy reading blogs, or are they slowly being replaced by Instagram/YouTube and other social media platforms? 

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  1. I still prefer blogs over Instagram, for sure!

    1. That's nice to hear! I'm glad people still enjoy reading blogs!

  2. Sounds like we spent 2018 and January similarly. I still prefer blogs for actual project posts, but Instagram is a good way to follow the progress of a project and future plans.

  3. I still love reading blogs, love all the details about the size and the adjustments, and the process of making. It's so nice to read over breakfast in the morning. I also feel ambivalently about blogging. I would rather spend time sewing or with friends and family than taking pictures and writing. But sometimes I'll get a mojo boost and post a bunch of stuff. Welcome back!
