
Old habits die hard

Saturday, January 25, 2020


Hello world!

This little space has been neglected for so long, but lately I've be feeling an itch to blog again. Let's see if I keep up with it this time around!

A new year and a new decade is always a good chance to reorganize things and let me tell you it's been all about reorganizing around here these past couple of weeks. The end of 2019 found me in a new apartment and currently in the process of remaking my sewing space, which due to lack of space in my apartment has to co-exists with my living room, but that's fine by me. We work with what we have right?

I've been thinking a lot about my wardrobe lately and the whole mindfulness buzz it's been going on in the social media (which I'm totally on board with). In the past I was making things just for the fun of it and I ended up with a not so cohesive wardrobe, so my makes didn't get as much wear as they could. So one of my sewing goals of 2020 is to create a more capsule style wardrobe, be more mindful and enjoy the process. That also includes my knitting which sometimes I forget to think as an equal part of my wardrobe.

This year I won't do a Make Nine, because I find that my sewing plans are constantly changing throughout the year and I don't want to feel that I'm "failing" if I don't complete everything in the list. I do intend to dip my toe in more skilled sewing like outerwear and jeans this year, since I'm feeling my sewing skills have improved, but no plans for specific patterns yet.

Overall January has been a busy, but fun month. My main focus this year will be to trying slow things down and be ok with it. I find it really hard to just relax and I beat myself up if I don't get everything on my list done on an everyday basis. This gives my really bad anxiety and I would like to work towards improving it.

Currently reading: "Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine"(any thoughts on this?)
On my sewing table: Hunter Coat by Fibre Mood 7
On my knitting needles: Pattern #6 by FLCTY

So, if anyone is still here I hope you all had a  wonderful start to the new year and please share what your future plans for 2020 are!

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