
Hemlock tee

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tee:Self-made/ Jeans:Zara/ Tank top: H&M/Boots:H&M/Necklace:Self-made
Hello everyone! Life is really hectic and busy right now, but I try to squeeze in a little bit time for sewing in order to keep sane! I have a pile of projects that need to be photographed, but I found these photos I took a while back as I was searching my computer. 
This is my first Hemlock tee. I believe you already know about this pattern. It's a one-size, free pattern from Grainline studio patterns. I believe every sewing blog has a Hemlock make by now. It's one of those quick, satisfying and rewarding makes, we all need in our sewing lives! The only modification I made was shortening the hem, because I didn't like where it hit me. 
Hemlock is perfect for everyday wear, especially in this lovely spring weather and it's such a quick project, you can spice up your wardrobe in no time!

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