
Me-Made-May 2014

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Hello everyone and happy May! This post was supposed to go out tomorrow but for some unknown schedule problem with blogger it didn't, so hopefully it's not too late!

I was thinking a lot about whether I should or shouldn't participate in this year's Me-Made-May challenge. I'm not really consistent when it comes to documenting outfits and I have no idea if my self-made wardrobe is sufficient enough! But against all these I decided to participated. so here is my pledge: 

 'I, TheWardrobeProject, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '14. I endeavour to wear as many self-made garments I can each day for the duration of May 2014'

As you may noticed I didn't commit to a certain amount of days, simply because for me this is a personal challenge to wear my handmade garments more and an opportunity to spot the gaps in my me-made wardrobe.

I'll probably document my progress weekly, but we'll see how this goes! So let's begin!

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