
Me Made May Weekly Recap

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Happy Sunday everybody! I hope you all had a relaxing weekend. Only a few days left for Me Made May! Here is a recap of my outfits for the fourth week of Me Made May '14 .

Outfit 1:
Darling Ranges dress(Megan Nielsen patterns)
H&M Boots
Zara cardigan
Black tights

Outfit 2:
Coco top(Tilly and the buttons patterns)
Zara jeans
Converse All Star

Outfit 3:
Nettie dress(Closet Case patterns)
H&M Boots

Outfit 4:
Zara jeans
Converse All Star

Outfit 5:
Coco dress(Tilly and the buttons patterns)
Converse All Star

I just realized I wore striped garments almost every day this week! 

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  1. This looks like such a great, practical hand-made wardrobe in action. In fact I kind of wish mine was half as functional! Love all the stripes and denim!

    1. Thank you! I love your hand-made wardrobe! One of my favorites to follow on Instagram! I actually wish I had more print garments in my wardrobe!
